Saturday, February 17, 2007

To knit or not to knit

Wow! Joe (DH) has asked me to knit a sweater as a birthday present for the daughter of a coworker. Her little girl is turning 1 in March. I'm flattered, and at the same time a little dismayed. This is a coworker whose husband accused her and Joe of having an affair and forbade her to talk to him. And then on Valentine's Day she came up behind him and hugged him and said Happy Valentine's Day, oh and by the by, hubby lost his job, their marriage was in big big trouble, and she was pregnant again.
I had told Joe a while ago that I wondered if she had feelings for him, and he told her that (!) and asked her if it was true. And she said yes.
He has no interest in her, which I believe, and he sees her as a friend.
I don't know... I do know men are prone to turning into the knight in shining armor, the one to save the damsel in distress. I have seen situations like this get out of hand quickly, not because the guy sets out to cheat on his wife, but because the poor pregnant friend has no one to turn to but him... and the rest is usually a blur of clothes on the bedroom floor, crumpled bed linen, and a bit (or a LOT) later one guy feeling like an idiot and one woman feeling rather accomplished.
Bitter? Maybe. Been there, done that. Both sides of the fence, albeit not pregnant in either case. And let me tell you, they both suck.
I haven't made up my mind about the sweater yet. The jury is still out on that one.

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