Monday, October 6, 2008

The thing about pictures...

... is that they spruce up a blog. Really, what fun is a blog without pictures? I mean a blog about knitting. Were this a blog about politics, the importance of lowering carbon dioxide output, or how to become a better person in ten easy steps pictures wouldn't be mandatory (although the carbon dioxide one would benefit from some cool graphs and stuff). But knitting? Knitting needs to be seen, preferably in needlesharp shots that you can click on to enlarge.
And my terrible two year old has demolished the cable thingy that hooks up my camera to my computer. Joe explained how I could take the memory card from the camera and insert it in a computer port and presto, picture transfer possible, but to be honest I have no idea where to find the memory card. And since I have pretty lousy luck with gadgets (things tend to inexplicably stop working or fall apart when around me for a little while) I haven't tried it yet.
So no pictures until we can afford a new cable thingy. You will just have to take my word for it that I am making major progress on my Placida Flamenco Shawl (which mysteriously looks nothing like that picture) and that I am doing well on my Liz Snella's Heirloom Doily. I promise, as soon as I get over my fear of fiddling with expensive gizmos I will show you.

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