Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Sheri's lace socks

Yesterday Ariel and I released three hot pink balloons (Aria's favorite color) with little messages attached, to go and find her in heaven. After we came home I took a break and worked on my Sweet Pea sock for a bit, and then I decided to bite the bullet and take pictures of the lace socks and upload them. I have no idea why I hate photographing my stuff so much. Maybe it's because our camera is a pain in the neck. It is too big, has too many possibilities and is too hard to handle. You can never just snap a quick picture, it's always a huge operation. I'm considering saving up money to buy myself a very simple, very quick little camera. All it needs to be able to do is take pictures and zoom in and out. Oh, and a flash, that might come in handy too.
Anyway, without further ado, here is my version of Sheri's lace socks.The pictures are pretty poor quality because I was trying to keep my snugglebug away from both socks and feet while I took the shots.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Ooh, they're so pretty! They look so dainty in that color, great way to show off the lace! Wonderful socks :)
