Sunday, July 29, 2007


I received word two days ago that basically puts all my whining about frogging socks and warm weather into perspective. Aria, 24 years old, mommy of an almost 2 year old girl and a newborn baby boy, passed away on July 26th. I knew her from a close knit mommy community that I have been a member of for the past two years, and I liked her. She was feisty, strong, fiercely loving, loyal, funny, and she adored her little girl. When she got pregnant again, she mentioned several times that she didn't have a good feeling about it, that she didn't feel like it was going to have a happy ending. We responded with "oh honey, that's just hormones, everything will be fine, you'll see!". We meant well, but we pretty much told her she was being silly.
And then things started going wrong when she was induced. She was unconscious when they delivered her baby boy by emergency C section, and she passed away a few hours later due to a amniotic fluid embolism that traveled up to her heart. She never got to see or hold her little boy. He will never know the loving touch of his mother. Their daddy will have to explain to the little girl that mommy is not coming home, ever again. Why do these things happen?

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